Tricolor Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus Wrasse are known as Fairy Wrasses and are some of the most beautiful of the marine fish.
Males tend to be more colorful and a bit larger than the females.
Fairy Wrasse are generally easy, peaceful and reef safe but may pick at small crustaceans.
Harems can be kept in the aquarium with 1 male and several females if added at the same time.
Provide an aquarium with ample rock work with plenty of crevices and caves for hiding and resting. A diet rich in meaty foods as well as algae based foods should be provided for continued health.
Fairy Wrasse are known to be jumpers provide an aquarium with a tight fitting lid.
Fairy Wrasse can grow up to almost 3".
We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 50 gallons or larger for this species.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH
Care Info
Care: Easy
Behavior: Social
Diet: Flake Food, Frozen Food, Live Food
Habitat: Reef
Light: Medium